Internal Science Café: Funding - Marie Curie

Science cafe

One of the recurrent topics for the Science Café will be funding (grants, fellowship, scholarships, etc.). In this first session of the funding series (Thursday May 5th at 11 am*) we will focus on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship, the format will be an open discussion led by three of our colleagues that recently got their fellowships (Deon, Louise and Juan).

In this coming session we would like to understand what would be most useful to discuss in this topic series, so please come with some ideas!                                                                                                                            

*Note the change on the usual time because there is a workshop on that Friday that many people will assist

What: Science Café will be a space to get together, discuss science, bring up issues/announcements/celebrations, and occasionally run small tutorials and workshops. Importantly, also to have interaction between different groups and sub-sections.

Who: everyone is welcome!

When: Thursday May 5th at 11 am 

Where: the lunchroom on the 2nd floor

We hope to see you there!

Christina, Lennart and Hernán